(Or: Smack Dab in the Mitteleuropa:
Our Newest Faves from Central Europe.)
Importer Eric Danch in the House!
(All Tasting Fees to Benefit Ukrainian Relief.)
Reserve Your Spot here!
We recently tasted over 50 of the newest wines from the nation's greatest importer of Central European wines, Danch & Granger... and winnowed our selection down to the absolute best of the best. Come taste our selections this Thursday night, with all tasting fee proceeds going to Ukrainian relief organizations!

Bott Frigyes? Or Bott Friggin' Delicious?
We Danch with Fire.
New Faves from Mitteleuropa.
Thursday, 3/31. 6 PM.
At College Avenue.
Reserve your spot here!
$10. ($5 for members.)