We’ve tried many non-alcoholic wines (so you don’t have to!) and the truth is, they’re very often bad. Overmanipulated, too sweet, oddly viscous, lacking in personality, full of off flavors… the list goes on. What we’ve come to realize is that to make the best wine alternative, one must look beyond the grape. The best non-alch wines we’ve sampled in recent years have been creative botanical concoctions featuring a laundry list of ingredients beyond grapes: fruit extracts, teas, herbs, roots & citrus. They’re culinary, thoughtful, balanced: they may not replicate wine exactly but they’re darn good! This is what why we love Acala. Their sparkling beverages are made with organic fermented teas, fruit juices and botanicals. They are as complexed and nuanced as wines without a grape in sight.
Curious? Join us for a N/A Extravaganza on Thursday, January 18 from 5-7pm at Vine Street. Taste through a line-up of 5 of our current NA favorites for $15.NA Extravaganza @ Vine January 18

Thursday, January 18
Vintage Berkeley - Vine Street
5:00 - 7:00
$15 ($5/club members)
Whether you’re partaking in a dry or damp January, sober-curious, a sober veteran or anywhere in between, we’re here to share some delicious non-alcoholic options with you! From our favorite new non-wine Acala, to Ghia spritz, Casamara Club amaro-inspired sodas and more: we're opening a very fun line up to explore the world of NA.