Vintage Berkeley - College Ave
5:30 - 7:30
$15 ($5/club members)
When was the last time you were taken aback by a glass of Trebbiano, Montepulciano, dare I say Pecorino? These days it is becoming increasingly difficult to find wine sirens along the Adriatic Coast (more like a sea of mediocrity, am I right?!) De Sterlich wines are undoubtedly the exception. Tension driven, textured, and beautifully integrated: a most charming overture into Abruzzese wine!
Founded in 2017 by two friends, Roberto Fracassa (from a family more famous for cured meats than wine) and Alessandro Massacesi, who also hails from the nearby Teramo. Together they purchased a beautiful, organically farmed 23-hectare hillside containing 19 hectares of vineyard along with some olive trees and a bit of forest. They named the estate after an important historical family (De Sterlich) who, though originally from Austria, had been in the Teramo province since the 15th century.
While they are a relatively young winery, Roberto and Alessando are making incredibly complex and elegant wines. They have taken inspiration from other icons in the area (what I would give to be able to drink Emidio Pepe's wines weekly!) but are decidedly on their own path to becoming classics in the region. We hope to inspire you as much as we have been with these wines!