South to the Future.
One South American importer's doing things differently
Imagine a Frenchman is trapped in a bubble, and the only Californian wine he has access is Barefoot. (Mon dieu! Sacre bleu! "Oreo wine"? Aies pitié!) He would justly be forgiven for imagining our fair shore to be a vinous wasteland.
Well, you don't have to be attending our upcoming dates with Haarmeyer and Hammerling to know how wrong Pierre-in-a-Bubble is. But allow us to gently suggest that — ahem, how do I say this — you, too, may be enbubbled.
You think you know something about the wines of South America, don't you? Allow us to suggest that — on this count? — well, you look a little like Pierre.
I've had Malbec already
Please meet Brazos: a wine importer that is to your ideas of South American wine what Craig Haarmeyer is to Barefoot; barely in the same vinoverse. Established in 2008 by two wine pros, Jonathan Chaplin and Brian Ravitsky, devoted to finding the Real Wines (you know: artisanally made, single-vineyard, estate grown, micro-production, and environmentally friendly) of Argentina and Chile.
Tonight at Elmwood, we're hosting Brian himself as he pours five to seven of the coolest, most terroir-focused wines in the shop... much less from South America. Pais planted in 1800! Grapes like Criolla Blanca! Criolla Grande! Et many al!
Jose Luis of Gonzales Bastias: "The land owns me, not the other way around. I was born here, I will die here, and these 200-year-old vines will keep producing amazing grapes."
These are as far from your daddy's Malbecs and Carmeneres and o'eroaked Cabs as wine gets... and some of the most exciting wines we know. (Including the wines of Gonzalez Bastias, one of the top three or four wineries Dan most wants to visit, for reasons like this.) Come burst your bubble, and hang with us as we host:
South American Importer
Brian Ravitsky in the House!
Tonight, 3/9. 6 PM.
At College Avenue.
Reserve your spot here!
Only $10. ($5 for club members.)
South to the Future! Wine Tasting @ Elmwood March 9th