Old Vines, New Vibes:
The Ergellet Brothers!
Saturday, July 31st.
5:30 - 7:30 PM, at Elmwood.
Four Wines: $5!
(More Than Just)
SF Chronicle's
Wine of the Week!
Yesterday we were delighted (if not at all surprised) to see that the SF Chronicle's Esther Mobley chose one of our favorite new Californian wines — and one we were already planning on pouring on Saturday! — as her Wine of the Week!
"I was captivated by Julian and Sebastian Erggelet's rendition of the old-vine Del Barba vineyard's Mataro (Mourvedre). It smells like juicy blueberries and roses and tastes like cracked black pepper, with tannins that feel spicy. The wine's bold, gratifying fruit flavors do not come at the expense of freshness and acidity, just the way I like it."
Better Erggelet-onomics in the workplace!
This Saturday, come check out four wines by the coolest Californian winemakers you haven't yet met! Julian and Sebastian Erggelet may have been born into a German winemaking family, but they chose California as their home!
"We came to California in 2014 with just enough savings to cover two months’ rent and buy a ‘well-used’ Subaru. With some patience, a good sombrero and German OCD, we are now farming with integrity, and making wines that tell a story of sand, blazing sun and howling winds off the California Delta."
These are soulful, serious wines, as naturally made as they are classically tuned. These are bottles that go on the same shelf as Bedrock, Sandlands, and some of the other most respected and sought-after winemakers in our fair state!
Come taste a quartet of old-vines, new-vibes Californian wonders, including two Malvasias, (one done on skins, one not), their newly Chronicle-anointed Mataro, and their stunning old-vine Zin, too!
Saturday, July 31st.
6-7:30 PM, at Elmwood.
Four Wines: $5!