Beaujolais Bacchanal! Pouring all the Cru's of Bojo @ Vine Street November 15

Wednesday, November 15
Vintage Berkeley - Vine Street
5:30 - 7:30
$25 ($15/club members)
It's that time of year again: BOJO TIME! We're not talking nouveau though, which just so happens to fall on the night after this tasting. Nouveau is a whole other thing (and we might even pop a bottle!) but the reason we've asked you here to today is to talk about the serious side of Beaujolais.
We're talking Cru Beaujolais: the platonic ideal of turkey wine, wines that explore the confounding complexity of a single grape (Gamay), perhaps our favorite nuanced terroir in France, the birthplace of natural wine, we could go on! Ready to nerd out with us? Join us and some of our best winemonger pals to taste all TEN Crus, from north to south: St-Amour, Juliénas, Chénas, Moulin-à-Vent, Fleurie, Chiroubles, Morgon, Régnié, Côte de Brouilly and Brouilly.
Our all-star lineup of wine professionals includes Matt Gerloff pouring Kermit Lynch wines, Maria Castelli pouring Vintage '59 wines, Joe Manekin pouring Paris Wine Company wines and Bryan Schlessel pouring Jenny & Francois wines. This is an A-team of our friends and colleagues. Join us to hang out and dive deep into the beautiful world of Cru Beaujolais. Gamay all day!